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Website banner image (Ntos the anthro fox, sitting in a metro train on a dark purple evening, observing the bright bustling city and the mountains behind.)

Welcome to ntos.tech

Welcome to my new website, the home page for all my projects and ramblings!

My name is ntoskrnl, which is a reference to the Windows kernel's filename. I'm an electrical engineer who's been doing computer-y things for well over a decade, and electrical-things for around half that time. For more about me, you can check out my about page.

I have some plans for the website and plenty of stuff to talk about. Some topic ideas on the backburner include:

  • How OBS video encoding settings impact quality
  • Pages for all of my projects, divided into categories (the buttons along the top)
  • And more, once I remember the rest, haha :-)

And speaking of the website, everything you see - all the HTML and CSS was written by hand by me! I wrote my own site generator in Python and fine-tuned my site template exactly as I wanted. I spent two full months of my free time to work on this, so I hope you like the product. Feedback, compliments, and especially suggestions are always more than welcome at my socials (which for now can be found at the bottom of the page).

Now that the site generator is pretty much flushed out, expect much more here in the near future!
