

electronics and computers, furry edition
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Note: ntos.tech is still under development. Please excuse the rough edges and missing pages, I'm working on it!

Welcome to ntos.tech

Welcome to my new website, the home page for all my projects and ramblings!

My name is ntoskrnl. I'm an electrical engineer who's been doing computer-y things for well over a decade, and electrical-y things for around half that time. For more about me, you can check out my about page.

I have lots of plans for this website, including plenty of stuff to talk about! Some ideas are below:

  • How OBS video encoding settings impact quality
  • Pages for all of my projects, divided into categories (the buttons along the top)
  • And more, once I remember the rest, haha :-)
  • Talk about origins / ideas from windytan

The website was recently reimplemented with a custom static website generator I wrote myself in Python. I've spent several months working on this website, so I hope you like the result! Feedback and suggestions are very much welcome; you can find my socials on the bottom of every page.

~ ntoskrnl4

Notes to self

Modular expansion system to website

  • Website-wide pre/post hooks:
    • Generate RSS/Atom feeds
    • Pregenerated pages for eg. list of blog posts
      • (Maybe a page.gen filetype that must get handled by a plugin or fatal error is thrown?)
    • CSS minification? Although mine isn't large enough to really make a difference I believe
  • Page-specific pre/post hooks:
    • Auto-WebP-ify images (also rescale super large images down to eg. max 2400px)
    • Wrap images with hyperlink to original quality JPEG
    • Throw warning for images without alt text
    • Throw warning if dead link within website
    • A <small> right after an <img> (in the main content flow) will center the small and turn it into a caption

Comments implementation

the custom script/server could combine multiple sources:

  • embedded metadata in markdown referencing fedi/twitter posts
  • scraper grabs that data and feeds into comments
    • github
    • twitter
    • fedi
    • JS comments form?
  • webmentions receiver (+transmitter eventually)


  • addy.io
  • simplelogin.io
  • Both of these provide unlimited transparent mailboxes for a custom domain, at $1/$3/$4 per month