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Website banner image (Ntos the anthro fox, sitting in a metro train on a dark purple evening, observing the bright bustling city and the mountains behind.)

Who are you??

Hey there, I'm Ntos! I'm an electrical engineer who is also a fox in my free time. My hobbies range from anything analog or radio electronics up through computer architecture to operating systems, software, and networking.

I've been doing this computer-y thing for well over a decade, and electrical-y things for about half that time (and am majoring in it). I enjoy all sorts of random technical discussions about niche aspects of electronics or computers, and of course just general chatting and storytimes.

As (of course) an introverted person, I largely hang out among my close friend groups, but anybody is always more than welcome to chat with me - just, no empty small talk please. Start a conversation about anything (even this website), I love to chat about what I've done.

How do I pronounce your name, it's literally just an amalgamation of consonants with no vowels wtf help

Oh, yeah, that ๐Ÿ˜…

Most people generally just say "N-toss" or "N-T-O", though I've heard other variations. Verbally I'll respond to pretty much anything that resembles my name, but in text I prefer it as either "Ntos" or "ntos" (stylized lowercase like the original filename).

Fursona Refsheet

A furry reference
sheet for "ntoskrnl". He is a mostly grey fox, with a white belly and extremities, and blue and orange on the seam
between the grey and white. He is male, very gay, 5 foot 5 inches or 165 centimeters, and an electrical engineer. 
Games he play include Minecraft, Beat Saber, and VRChat. Interests include amateur radio, computer architecture, 
microwave radios, mesh networks, and programming. Ntos speaks English natively, and is learning German.