Who are you??
Hey there, I'm Ntos! I'm an electrical engineer who is also a fox in my free time. My hobbies range from anything analog or radio electronics up through computer architecture to operating systems, software, and networking. In short, if it flows electrons, I love it.
I enjoy all sorts of random technical discussions about niche aspects of electronics or computers, and of course just general chatting and storytimes (of which I have many). I largely hang out among my close friend groups, but anybody is welcome to chat with me as long as it's not empty smalltalk. Start a conversation about anything, even this website; I love to chat about what I've done.
How do I pronounce your name, it's literally just an amalgamation of consonants with no vowels wtf help
Oh, yeah, that ๐
Most people generally just say "N-toss" or "n-t-o", though I've heard plenty of attempts. I'll respond to pretty much anything resembling my name, cause, yeah, I know... and in text I prefer it as "Ntos" or "ntos" (stylized lowercase like the original filename).